Sriperumbdur, located on the Chennai-Bengaluru Highway, has emerged as one of India’s largest industrial clusters, experiencing rapid growth as a prominent electronics manufacturing hub catering to both domestic and export markets.
The recently acquired site enables Pragati to offer its clients a total of 8,30,000 square feet of Grade A industrial and warehousing space. This development aligns with the growing industrial ecosystem in Sriperumbdur, making it an opportune time to establish a presence in the flourishing region.
Pragati’s upcoming logistics park is strategically located to cater to the demands of the growing manufacturing, automotive, EMS, and logistics sectors in the area. It will not only provide much-needed Grade-A infrastructure but also offer bespoke solutions to its customers.
The industrial and logistics park will cater to diverse customer needs by providing both plug-and-play and built-to-suit solutions. This approach allows clients to quickly establish their operations with ready-to-use facilities or have custom-built spaces designed to their specifications.
The development of the industrial and logistics park in Sriperumbdur is well underway, and Pragati plans to make it available to customers by April 2024. This timeframe ensures that businesses looking to establish or expand their presence in the region can benefit from efficient and sustainable infrastructure and logistics solutions.