Broekman Logistics has confirmed the sale of the Distriport terminal in Oostenhaven, Port of Rotterdam, to CLdN, the maritime and logistics group based in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Broekman Logistics has finalised the sale of the Distriport terminal in Oostenhaven, Port of Rotterdam, to CLdN, a prominent maritime and logistics group. The terminal encompasses a 22-hectare site featuring 630 meters of quay, container transhipment, covered warehouses, and railhead facilities, making it an attractive addition for CLdN’s expansion and service diversification.
The sale ensures a promising future for the 80 colleagues associated with Distriport, as CLdN takes over the operations. Simultaneously, Broekman Logistics revealed investments in its Project Services terminal in Rotterdam-Heijplaat.
The terminal is undergoing transformation into a quayside location dedicated to assembly and technical services for industrial and marine equipment, along with heavy machinery. These developments align with Broekman Logistics’ commitment to refining its service offerings and strategic focus.