Turkish logistics and transportation, a $100 billion market, seeks global advancement.

The Trade Ministry disclosed a surge in endeavours within the logistics and transportation sector, aiming to leverage Turkey’s geographical advantage for enhanced goods exports and foreign trade.
Notably, the sector commands a 2.5 percent share of the $100 billion global logistics market, securing the 11th position globally. It constitutes 40 percent of Türkiye’s total service exports, with an annual growth rate. Climbing from 47th to 38th place in the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) by the World Bank from 2018 to 2023, Türkiye aspires to reach 25th place by 2028.
One significant investment is the Overseas Logistics Distribution Networks (YLDA) Project, reflecting a comprehensive approach to overseas logistics networks. The ministry announced approval for six projects, including two in America and four in Europe, out of 24 applications. Additionally, significant financial support, approximately TL 395 million ($12.2 million), was provided to the sector in 2023, facilitating $40 billion in exports.
New support packages aim to further bolster the sector, fostering sustainable growth and broader global trade participation.