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Traffic Management System Installed by Cube Highways

Traffic Management System Installed by Cube Highways

Cube Highways, a group of Singapore-based companies, has announced the installation of an Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) between Madurai and Kanyakumari. The company is confident that the ATMS on National Highway 7 (NH-7) is the most advanced system ever implemented on any of the country’s national highways. The Madurai-Kanyakumari Tollway Limited (MKTL) operates a 52.3-km, four-lane toll road in Tamil Nadu.

The road forms the first part of four contiguous stretches on NH-7 connecting Madurai to Kanyakumari. The Kanyakumari-EtturavattamTollway Limited (KETL) operates a 64.2-km, four-lane toll road in Tamil Nadu, forming the second part of four contiguous stretches on NH-7 connecting Madurai to Kanyakumari.

The highway is highly equipped with the latest technology to ensure smooth commutes and reduce accidents. The stretch consists of smart cameras installed every 250 meters with night vision and zoom-in/zoom-out capabilities to patrol the highway stretches.

ATMS would also notify the control center in case of any accidents to prevent casualties.

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