Strike at Indian Major Ports postponed after successful wage revision agreement.

A major strike at Indian Major Ports was averted after a Memorandum of Understanding was reached between the Chairman of the Bipartite Wage Negotiating Committee (BWNC) and the Managing Director of the Indian Ports Association (IPA) with six federations representing Port and Dock Workers. The agreement followed extensive discussions held on 27th and 28th August 2024 at the IPA headquarters in New Delhi.
The strike, scheduled to begin on 28th August 2024, was called off after the federations’ demands, including the revision of the wage structure and other service conditions from 1st January 2022, were addressed. Key decisions included an 8.5 percent fitment benefit on the aggregate amount of basic pay as of 31st December 2021, with the settlement period lasting five years from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2026.
Additionally, a special allowance of ₹500 per month will be granted to working employees during the settlement period. A drafting committee was established to finalise the settlement within ten days, with the entire BWNC proceedings expected to conclude within 15 days.
The federations expressed their gratitude to the Minister of Shipping and the Secretary of Shipping for their crucial roles in resolving the dispute, leading to the deferment of the strike.