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ACFI appoints new board for 2024-2026 term at 12th Annual General Meeting

ACFI appoints new board for 2024-2026 term at 12th Annual General Meeting

ACFI appoints new board for 2024-2026 term at 12th Annual General Meeting

Sanjiv Edward elected President of Air Cargo Forum India for 2024-2026.

The Air Cargo Forum India (ACFI) announced its new board for the 2024-2026 term during its 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on July 31, 2024, in New Delhi. Sanjiv Edward, CEO of Cargo and Logistics at GMR Group, has been elected as the President. Yashpal Sharma, the Immediate Past President, will continue his support on the board as an Ex-Officio member.

The new board is committed to advancing ACFI’s mission, focusing on air cargo infrastructure development, policy enhancement, ease of doing business, and overall ecosystem improvement to bolster air cargo growth in India.

Board Members:

Sanjiv Edward, CEO – Cargo and Logistics, GMR Group

Vice President:
Ramesh Mamidala, Head Cargo, Air India

Hon. Secretary:
Arun Kumar, Managing Director, InSynergy Supply Chain Solutions

Hon. Treasurer:
Kamesh Peri, CEO, Celebi Delhi Cargo Terminal Management India

Yashpal Sharma, Managing Director, Skyways Air Services

Board Members:

The ACFI board is poised to collaborate effectively, aiming to achieve new milestones in the air cargo sector with a unified approach.

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