Smiths Detection has announced the availability of the HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX for the Indian market. The advanced cabin baggage screening system is based on Computed Tomography (CT) technology for passenger checkpoint scanners. The announcement follows an advisory by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), that mandates the installation of 3D computed tomography X-ray machines at pre-departure security checkpoints at all Indian airports with an annual traffic of more than five million passengers.
The technology not only provides advanced security screening and automatic explosive detection but will also help improve passenger throughput and overall experience at airports by no longer requiring passengers to place electronic devices, chargers, and liquids, among other items, into separate trays outside of their carry-on baggage.
The HI-SCAN 6040 CTiX also boasts the lowest energy consumption of any checkpoint CT X-ray on the market, meaning it is better able to help airports achieve their sustainability goals while meeting government requirements and enhancing safety. The low energy demand also results in low noise levels, no vibrations and less heat being emitted from the system, helping to foster a calmer security screening environment.